We had a blast at ZappCon! Being that this was our first con to sell at, I wasn't sure what to expect. But it was a blast! We met tons of great people, got to see the funny and talented band, The Doubleclicks, had great food and drinks and sold some of our goods!
Here are a few shots from our weekend...
Ric at day one of the booth |
View from our booth into the vendor hall. |
And a blurry pic of me on day 2. |
End of day spontaneous dance party. |
Being DJ'ed by Batman and Batman |
We also met some of the other vendors...all of which are crazy talented! I wish I could have bought a little something from all of them, but alas, we were only able to get a few things.
I also got that cute little guy in the middle, called a Sickling by Yosiell Lorenzo. |
We also promised our new email list folks to a giveaway! The prize is this travel sized hook/needle/artist organizing roll...
And the winner is....according to the random number generator....drumroll....Brooke P! Yay!
I had so much fun with this giveaway, that we will be doing these more often. So stay tuned for more soon!
And thanks again to all the Zappers we met, and to the great staff who put on this well organized event. We are already looking forward to next year!
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